Brand & Community

I am an expert in building communities for brands. I believe that brand and communities are interchangeable. People who participate with a brand make a brand successful, not the other way around. I will find your community and help your team execute strategies to engage them and maintain relationships with them.

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Let’s build a community together.

  • Complimentary Consultation

    Let’s get on a call. We’ll spend time talking through your goals and reviewing a high-level overview of your existing strategy. By the end of our call we will decide whether I’m the right person to help you reach your business goals.

  • Brand Communities 101

    I’ll teach you everything I know. Building a community won’t happen overnight, but it’s not as heavy of a lift as some of the other guys make it out to be. If hiring someone as a full-time employee or consultant doesn’t fit within your budget, ask me about 1-1 Brand Community Coaching Sessions.

  • Building Communities Online

    As an influencer, I’ve seen it all when it comes to building a community online, boosting engagement, and securing a loyal tribe that comes back consistently. Before making costly mistakes that don’t move the needle for your brand, let’s talk.

Community Marketing:

Barry’s Bootcamp

Background: I started at Barry’s as a group fitness instructor + coach. As an active member of the community who also had a positive track-record for recruiting new community members, I was asked to take on the role of Regional Community Marketing Manager and Special Events. I was tasked with opening new studios and community outreach, corporate sales, and overall business development within my territory. As a Special Events team member, I was tasked with event production and promotion.

Execution: Sundance Film Festival Pop-Up; Long Beach, CA Studio Opening,Pasadena, CA Studio Opening; Brentwood, CA Studio Opening; Portland, OR Studio Scouting + Strategy; Barry’s RIDE Pop-Up; Regional Marketing, Southern California

Project Goals: New client acquisition, corporate sales package + events, brand awareness + visibility

Results: 5 Studio Launches; 100+ Special Event Launches; 65+ Corporate Event Launches; 50+ Pop-Ups